ScriptRunner for Confluence
Build deep and sophisticated automations on Confluence

Automate work, keep your instance tidy, and extend Confluence capabilities
Gain the power and flexibility to make Confluence fit the complex processes of your organisation.
Work faster and smarter by automating time-consuming admin tasks, managing content in bulk, and extending Confluence’s functionality with improved user experience and seamless integration with other software.

ScriptRunner's powerful functionality helps you reduce the number of apps in your instance.

Work more efficiently by accessing a vast array of easy-to-use, code-free features that solve most common admin needs.

Create advanced processes, macros and automations tailored to your business by writing Groovy scripts.

Avoid wasting resources writing and maintaining your own plugins.
Try it free
Get your full-feature trial from the Atlassian Marketplace today to start automating, customising, and extending Confluence to truly fit your organisation.
"One of the things I really like about ScriptRunner is its focus on administration and adding macro functionality - system, space and user."
Steve Hadfield