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A kanban board with Issues floating between columns
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How to connect Jira to anything

Follow these steps for integrating Jira with a third-party tool. This tutorial uses the example of a service which plants trees, but you can substitute this for whatever you need to connect!
by Bobby Bailey
on 13th Nov. 2023
A person looks down at a maze which has a bright pink arrow shooting through the centre
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How to integrate ServiceNow and Jira easily

A step-by-step to quickly and easily integrate ServiceNow and Jira using ScriptRunner Connect's built-in connectors. Want to auto-create Jira issues when certain events happen in ServiceNow?
by Bobby Bailey
on 13th Nov. 2023
An excited person points at the ScriptRunner Connect logo
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Introducing ScriptRunner Connect

View this demo and introduction to your new favourite integration tool from ScriptRunner, ScriptRunner Connect. See templates and much more.
by Rich Birks
on 12th Nov. 2023
Lots of UIs around a power pylon
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How to connect Microsoft Teams to Jira Cloud

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to connect Microsoft Teams to Jira Cloud using ScriptRunner Connect's templates. Templates are pre-written and ready to use: build integrations quicker than ever.
by Bobby Bailey
on 9th Nov. 2023
A magic wand waves some magic onto a Jira kanban board
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Jira workflow automations: 30+ ideas for instant workflow magic

This guide can solve headaches that you’re having right now in bringing your organisation’s processes successfully into Jira, and help you to claw back time, control and — as a result — cash.
An illustration of a Confluence page being struck by ScriptRunner lightning
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The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management

Get a detailed, step-by-step solution for tackling content management in large, fast-scaling instances. Learn how to achieve and maintain a tidy Confluence without making yourself dizzy.