Behaviours now available on Transition View!

Maria Barrios
14 January 2025
Read in <1 min
You can now control field behaviour at any point in an issue's lifecycle: on Create View, Issue View, and now, on Transition View.
Here's the rundown of the fields available as part of this first release of Behaviours on Transition View.
We're working closely with Atlassian to prioritise new capabilities to add to the UI Modifications API, so we can bring you even more field control. So rest assured, support for more fields is coming soon.
Get a complete list of all supported methods and field types across each issue screen from the Behaviours documentation.
Ready to get started? Here are a few ideas where Behaviours can help your teams when transitioning issues. The demo video below, can also assist you when displaying a list of resolutions with Transition View, or serve you as a template to refine other fields.
Looking for more guided examples? We have an extensive playlist to help you start configuring Behaviours on Jira Cloud.
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